A Challenge on Holistic Fitness

Augment your overall fitness

Josh L. Doman
3 min readSep 26, 2017

When we talk about challenge, we think in terms of “difficulty.” When we talk about fitness, we think in terms of “physicality.” To break these common notions means to look beyond a single perspective. Challenge is not just difficulty, but also the confidence, the drive, and the meaning. For fitness, we usually inadvertently ignore the holistic physiological being of a person, which includes the mental aspect.

Based on the training from the U.S. military, the following course of regimen and rules serves as preparation for the 10-week bootcamp for all soldiers-in-training. Although you may not be one, I reckon this will, nonetheless, challenge you to, in addition to a total mind and body conditioning, strive for results, push your limits, and be beneficially (but not robotically) systematic. And later on, these all become perfunctory. Of course, this won’t work for everyone due to inevitable circumstances, but it’s good if you could spare 30 days. So find that time when you can do.

Basic Rules:

  1. Abstinence from nootropics (e.g. memory enhancers, steroids) and stimulants (e.g. coffee) with the exception of multivitamins, prescription drugs, and fitness supplements (e.g. whey protein, creatine, casein, BCAAs)
  2. Avoidance of technological devices and the Internet, with the exception of emergency situations and work-related activities
  3. Isolation from engagement in unproductive activities, which includes in-person socializing depending on the scope of conversation
  4. Constant good body posture, gestures, and clothing (tuck in your shirt inside your shorts/pants if inside the house; observe proper clothing combinations as such don’t mix-and-match)

Some Reminders:

  1. Have a stopwatch or similar to monitor time and duration on timed activities
  2. As much as possible, no down times
  3. Don’t skip a day, or you’ll lose momentum

Helpful Tools:

  1. For maintaining focus — Pomodoro technique time management philosophy (25 min work interval with 5 min rest in between; BeFocused app)

2. For tracking and recording running — Nike Running Club app

3. For workouts conditioning — Nike Training Club app

The Schedule:

(Endurance and Strength Training Sets must be performed on alternating days ex: Set 1 are for Odd Numbered Days, Set 2 are for Even Numbered Days. You can adjust the schedules according to your work schedule; what matters is the duration for each activity.)

05:00 | CALLTIME

05:15–05:45 | WARM-UPS, ENDURANCE TRAINING: 16-min 30-sec Running (Min: 2 miles) [SET 1]; 2-min Pull-ups (Min: 60 reps) [SET 2]

05:45–06:15 | ENDURANCE TRAINING: 2-min Push-ups (Min: 40 reps) [SET 1]; 2-min Sit-ups (Min: 50 reps) [SET 2]

06:15–06:25 | MEAL: BREAKFAST

06:25–06:30 | SHOWER


07:00–08:30 | WARM-UPS, STRENGTH TRAINING: Chest, Arms, Legs [SET 1]; Shoulders, Back, Abdominal [SET 2]


09:00–12:50 | PRODUCTIVITY

12:50–13:00 | MEAL: LUNCH

13:00–17:00 | PRODUCTIVITY

17:00–17:10 | MEAL: DINNER

17:10–20:55 | PRODUCTIVITY

20:55–21:00 | SHOWER

21:00 | BEDTIME

It may seem so strange and extremely structured, but it’ll be worth it. It’ll be tough, so it’s either you succeed or you fail.

I curated some foundational insights relevant to neophytes and professionals alike. To know more about how to achieve your fitness goals, please click here. To know more about how to sustain your achieved fitness goals, please click here.

About The Author: Josh L. Doman discovered his devotion to writing after serving as a journalist then managing editor for his college’s official school paper and publications. His father, an investor, engineer, and scholar who authored a book in theology and spirituality; inspired his writings to delve on the moralistic, ethical, and inspirational implications of living in the present times. Publications are reflection of anecdotal encounters in entrepreneurship, fitness, and the military; and accrued readings about behavioral economics, self-help, and spirituality.



Josh L. Doman

Hacks + lessons on life, mentality, productivity, spirituality, and fitness. Ex Journalist + Managing Editor of my college’s press. joshdoman.com